In Context

teacher compensation

Dump the National Average Salary and Properly Value the Teaching Profession

The traditional school year is over once again without teachers knowing what their salaries will be next year. It’s not uncommon that the state budget bill, which sets spending priorities for the next two years, isn’t completed before the end of the school year, but until recently it used to be uncommon that public school

Dump the National Average Salary and Properly Value the Teaching Profession Read More »

K-3 Class Size Limits Are Noble, But Are They The Best Choice to Improve Student Outcomes?

The conventional wisdom on K-3 class size is that smaller is better. That was the thinking used when the General Assembly passed its budget last year with a section that limited class sizes for grades K-3 starting with the 2017-18 school year. But like any conventional wisdom, there’s caveats and unintended consequences. Despite the criticism

K-3 Class Size Limits Are Noble, But Are They The Best Choice to Improve Student Outcomes? Read More »

WakeEd’s Public Policy Agenda Focus: Teachers, Standards, Students

As the North Carolina General Assembly opens its long session on January 25, WakeEd Partnership has released its Public Policy Agenda (PDF) with an emphasis on teacher talent management, improving school accountability measures, and ensuring student equity for all. The document is organized under three main topics: Properly Value the Teaching Profession, Align Academic Standards

WakeEd’s Public Policy Agenda Focus: Teachers, Standards, Students Read More »

PISA Results: NC Schools Perform Well, But Show Plenty of Room to Grow

The results from an international test of 15-year-olds show that North Carolina students are competitive with worldwide peers in reading and science, but lag significantly in mathematics. Administered every three years, the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) is a worldwide benchmark of national education systems. In the 2015 test, students from North Carolina, Massachusetts,

PISA Results: NC Schools Perform Well, But Show Plenty of Room to Grow Read More »

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