Goodbyes Are Never Easy

\"Julie\"Eight and a half years ago I joined the staff at WakeEd Partnership.

I came straight out of the classroom and began working in our programs area. Immediately I had the opportunity to shape programs that engaged our local business community with teachers and classrooms. What I found was a business community passionate about public education, and eager to do what they could to support those who serve children every day.

Two years ago I shifted roles to our policy and research area. My work shifted to advocacy and research. What I found is that there is almost always a “rest of the story” behind decisions and headlines. Knowing that story helps people ask good questions and share what they know. Our business community is naturally curious and eager to know the how and why behind the operation of the largest school district in North Carolina and the fifteenth largest school district in the nation.

I am leaving WakeEd next month to become the Director of Strategy and Policy for the Wake County Public School System. I treasure the time I’ve had at WakeEd Partnership. We have a great staff and an incredible slate of supporters. We know that a great public school system is no accident. We know our community is eager to support what we have, and anxious to build an even greater school system.

Find a way to be involved. WakeEd offers many opportunities. Your support is essential.

With my deepest gratitude,

– Dr. Julie Crain